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About Me.

Ciao a tutti! Sara Zanelletti here. Piacere! 


I'm so excited to meet all of you. I'm from the Emilia-Romagna region of Northern Italy. While studying dance in Milan, I was discovered by Cirque du Soleil and moved to Las Vegas. I performed as a lead ballerina for Cirque, but found my way to Los Angeles where I pursued acting, writing, and many other facets of the entertainment business.


In 2022, my book, 'Non ho chiesto l'America', was published. A dream come true. I'm also the creator and producer of social media show 'Sara Z - La La Land Stories', where I interview public figures in English and Italian.


However, regardless of where I turn, I always find myself back at my true passion, teaching the Italian language.​

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Sara Zanelletti (Sara Z) incontra, da Los Angeles, grandi ospiti provenienti da ogni parte del mondo. Racconti di vita dai quali trarre ispirazione.



Sara Zanelletti (Sara Z) meets, from Los Angeles, great guests from all over the world. Life stories from which to draw inspiration.

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Los Angeles

Working with Clients From

A Drive-In movie theater sign with palm tress in the background.
Production studio in Hollywood, California

Mynor P.

Empresario - Boston, MA

Estuve en Italia hace dos años y me divertí mucho. Cuando visitas ciudades más pequeñas de Italia, la experiencia es mucho mejor si hablas el idioma. Esto me inspiró a aprender el idioma. Tengo un horario exigente, así que buscaba un profesor con una estructura de lecciones flexible y manejable . Las clases de Sara están bien estructuradas, planificadas cuidadosamente y se adaptan perfectamente al dominio y las necesidades lingüísticas individuales del estudiante. Empecé a querer aprender algunas frases, pero ahora me encanta el idioma italiano.
Sara es una opción VIP para un plan de estudios individualizado.





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